The New York TimesThe New York Times

How do we feel about global warming? It's called eco-anxiety

By Jason Horowitz

16 Sep 2023 · 5 min read

informed Summary

  1. Europe is experiencing a rise in "eco-anxiety", a term used to describe the fear and stress caused by climate change. This is particularly prevalent in Italy, where extreme heatwaves, wildfires and heavy rainfall have led to widespread fear about the future.

ROME — Italy was in the grip of extreme heat waves, hellish wildfires and biblical downpours, and a nerve-wracked young Italian woman wept as she stood in a theater to tell the country’s environment minister about her fears of a climatically apocalyptic future.

“I personally suffer from eco-anxiety,” Giorgia Vasaperna, 27, her eyes welling and her hands fidgeting, said at a children’s film festival in July. “I have no future because my land burns.” She doubted the sanity of bringing children into an infernal world and asked, “Aren’t you scared for your children, for your grandchildren?”

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