The New York TimesThe New York Times

Google connects AI chatbot Bard to YouTube, Gmail and more facts

By Nico Grant

19 Sep 2023 · 3 min read

informed Summary

  1. Google has unveiled a plan to enhance its AI chatbot, Bard, by integrating it with popular consumer services like Gmail, Docs, and YouTube. This move is aimed at making Bard a close contender to OpenAI's ChatGPT.

In March, Google released an artificial intelligence chatbot called Bard. It was Google’s answer to OpenAI’s hugely popular ChatGPT.

But Bard used less sophisticated AI than ChatGPT. It came across as less capable and less conversational. Within weeks, Google revamped the tool with upgraded technology, but ChatGPT continued to be the chatbot that captured the public’s attention.

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