The New York TimesThe New York Times

Three questions Biden should ask Netanyahu

By Thomas L. Friedman

19 Sep 2023 · 2 min read

informed Summary

  1. President Joe Biden is meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the first time since Netanyahu returned to office in December. The U.S. is considering a complex partnership with Netanyahu's coalition and Saudi Arabia.

This is the shortest column I’ve ever written — because it doesn’t take long to get things in focus:

President Joe Biden, you are meeting Wednesday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel for the first time since he returned to office in December. He’s formed the most extreme government in Israel’s history and yet your administration is considering forging a complex partnership with his coalition and Saudi Arabia. There are enormous potential benefits and risks for the United States. I hope you won’t proceed without getting satisfactory answers from Netanyahu on three key questions — so we know just what Israel, and just which Bibi, we’re dealing with:

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